Friday, January 27, 2012


  Its nap time.  
  Today's goal is to finally start a blog.  In doing this, I am ignoring the dishes in the sink, cheerios on the floor and the clutter covering every square inch of my house......and it feels so good.

  Let me begin by sharing a little about myself.  I married my best friend and high school sweetheart in 2007 and in 2010 we welcomed our son Jackson.  Jackson has got to be the best thing that has ever happened to us, we are totally in love and amazed that our genes could ever create something so perfect; he is awesome. 

  My husband and I met and married in the St Louis area, moved to the Chicago area right after we got married and 2 months before Jackson was born we up and moved again to North Carolina.  I love it here.  We have met some good people and great friends and we are very happy with the decision that we made.  
  Upon moving to NC, I left my job and became a housewife.  Most of my friends doubted whether or not I could hack it as a stay at home mom living in a new state, no family or friends around, no adult interaction throughout the day and no reason to get dressed in the morning.  The truth is, I love my new job.  For me, being a stay at home mom just works.  The fact that I met friends right away who got me involved in M.O.P.S. where I met even more great women has truly helped me substantially (more about MOPS in a later post).
  My husband will testify, I am not the cleanest or most orderly person in the world, but I try to have dinner ready for him when he gets home and the house picked up.  My biggest downfall is that I don't manage my time well.  For instance, I don't know how many times I have wasted an entire nap time coming up with some "genius" way to make me productive only to never use it and waste an entire day.  In fact, one day, I took a frame and made it into a weekly checklist whiteboard.  I used it for a whole week and was very proud and then one day I was looking at it and saw that my husband left a message for me. 

If you look closely and can read chicken scratch, on the bottom left in black you will see it says, "You don't use this".  I could not deny the fact that another one of my attempts at getting organized had failed, so I laughed and asked him when he wrote it....he said it was so long ago he couldn't remember! Epic Fail!  Its time for a change!
  In an attempt to get my nap time production level up to par and make my life more interesting, I am writing this blog in hopes to keep me on track and hold myself accountable by sharing my nap time moments.  My first step was to start the blog.  Now that that is done, I guess I better clean my house...wish me luck!

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